MaxIterations Version: 24.145.2
Release Date: 06/11/24
New Features
- Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) – Backtest: A new Feature adds an additional row in Freeform and Excel. The DSCR Backtest calculates the ratio of (EBITDA less Capital Expenditures) / (Mandatory Payments in Projected Year One). This provides an additional credit test in addition to the existing projected DSCR calculation.
- Cash Flow After Mandatory Payments: A new row was added that calculates cash flow after mandatory payments (interest and principal). This provides more detail in the Cash Flow Statement.
- Users: Adding a new user or editing an existing user now opens a dialog box. Previously, with a large number of users, the application would require significant scrolling to enter the required information. This improves the speed and accuracy of user management.
- Number Formatting: In FreeForm, the number formatting was changed to red for negative numbers. This improves consistency with the Excel export.
Bug Fixes
- Line of Credit / (Cash): An error in the Line of Credit / (Cash) row that caused the formula to incorrectly use total interest instead of Cash Flow After Mandatory Payments was corrected.
- Debt Service Coverage Ratio: An error causing the Debt Service Coverage Ratio to appear twice was corrected.
- Cash Flow Statement: Various errors in the labeling of Total Interest, Total Amortization, and Debt Service Coverage Ratio were corrected.
- Excel Export: An error causing the labels of historical years to be reversed was corrected.
Known Issues
- None.